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The Secret Writing Code Writers Should Know

The Secret Writing Code For Writers Featured Image - M Gaspary Blog-min

Do you honestly believe that there is such a thing as a secret writing code? What do you think that is, and why should every writer know it before they put themselves into big trouble?

Table of Contents

None of us had it easy. And I know it was also a difficult journey for you, even without saying a word.

Your eyes show desperation, pushing yourself to seek the truth of your path. That look in your eyes gleans an untold story.

Perhaps, an untold motive behind the desire to discover something you thought you have missed. Are you afraid?

I assume you spent long hours scouring every resource you have, especially when you realized you could build a lucrative writing business.

You binged every piece of information about writing online and offline, hoping they contain the keys to becoming a successful writer.

The truth is, the writing secrets I unveil today will not guarantee 100% success. Nothing will work unless you have the secret writing code.

The Secret Writing Code Disclaimer

You may think I am an expert. I wish I could convince myself that I am, given the time I spent solely on this career.

If you are like most people, you would think that seven (7) years is such a long time.

But do you consider it a waste when someone chooses to spend his income and life, sitting down most of the time, staring at the screen, and typing; seven (7) years of doing the same routine over and over again?

Does that sound exciting to you?

You know, writing does not bring any adrenaline rush at all. It is a static, mundane, yet, covertly torturous act. That means extroverts cannot stand doing this for a long time.

The Main Purpose Of The Secret Writing Code

The Main Purpose Of The Secret Writing Code

I am aware that not all of us can see things the way writers see things around us. Not everyone can understand the odds that we go through nor the pain we learned to overcome alone.

Underneath your stoic demeanor, just like any writer, is an angry river, showing its impeccable strength on the innocent riverbank.

Do you think people would believe us when we complain about how tired we are? Well, in fact, all we did is to sit and type all day. No. I failed to believe so.

Most people would immediately compare us with other workers, who show tangible outcomes of exhaustion.

For example, society has nothing to say when a full-time teacher complains about how exhausting her day was at school.

But it is not the case for writers because people tend to believe what they could accept.

We don’t appear exhausted, except for the obvious physical signs, such as fatigue and dark circles around our eyes.

Why Do You Want To Know The Secret Writing Code?

Look. I know how it feels when you tried to convince your parents about your plan to pursue writing, regardless of the discipline you choose.

Yet, the tiny voice in your head tells you to avoid showing it to others because, anyway, nobody believes that you are indeed exhausted from writing.

And that desperation calls you to unveil the secret writing code, which I never shared with anyone before.

I understand how much you want to know because you know where it leads you. You want success in your hands.

How I Discovered The Secret Writing Code?

Truthfully, it was during those painful moments that I realized how my life detoured.

Like how you feel right now, the same exasperating dread and inability to see the bigger picture of your life using the writing skill you want to monetize and sell for how much? A few cents per word?

Discovering the secret writing code became an avenue for a sudden self-introspection, not for the sake of writing nor for my own sake.

Instead, it is to gratify the lack of appreciation of what I do by knowing the real reason for having this gift that I never thought could be so demanding in every aspect of my life.

I want them to see how far writing could take me and how much it could help us financially—to survive and move forward.

#1 Reason For Unveiling The Secret Writing Code

#1 Reason For Unveiling The Secret Writing Code

Despite the uncertainty, my strong desire to seek the truth and the answers to why God gave me this awful gift to feel more responsible than anybody around my age.

I want to know why I possess this audacious gift of writing, as my gut tells me that there is something I should uncover. Maybe, just maybe, it could be something more than I could have imagined.

When my world sunk the deepest, I refused to give up and chose to be in agony, as I tried to cope with the demands from online content agencies and content mill providers.

When everything I do seems to fail one by one, I remember how I wanted to scream and let everyone know my pain.

It was at that moment I discovered something only successful writers know. It was at the same moment that I figured it out.

The secret writing code.

What Is The Secret Writing Code?

Human beings are born with underdeveloped self-awareness. All of us have a special place on earth with equal responsibilities.

As we grow up, our unique experiences model us to become who we are now. Too often, we end up blinded by what our naked eyes see and then, fail to respond appropriately when needed.

We ought to protect the world given to us without our God or the Supreme Being (whatever you call it) asking for something in return.

For millions of years, millions of people have lived, trying to enjoy the limited borrowed time.

Unfortunately, we see more people die every single day wherever you are in the world.

They pass away without leaving a single trace, as the majority prefers to be ordinary and refuse to embrace change and open-mindedness.

The Secret Writing Code Content Image 2 M Gaspary min writing code uploaded by Mecyll Gaspary on January 6, 2021.

Emergence Of The Earliest Writers In History

Out of millions of people, only a few thought of doing something and took an oath of keeping the truth using various means possible in their time.

They uphold this belief that every human being shall leave a mark on earth and let everyone know they existed millions of years ago.

Through these peculiar individuals, who seemingly are as powerful as emperors, their existence remained through artifacts. Without them, history would never be this crystal clear.

Have you seen how those figures marked various surfaces like stones or carved like those found in ancient Egyptian temples? These are clues to how the earliest settlers of this planet lived their daily lives.

If this group had failed to fulfill their duties, no one of us will ever know ourselves better without those clues and discovered how strong we are as a human race.

Had they failed to stand for their beliefs, we might have lived our entire lives as fools, thinking that we are the only species that existed.

Perhaps, we might have forgotten how we evolved and adapted even to the most catastrophic events.

In modern times, we call them writers.

What Does The Secret Writing Code Contain?

It contains the ten (10) writing secrets you would never know until you stumble upon this post you are reading now.

Yet, there is no guarantee that you will succeed unless you do the work. Do you understand that, writer?

Imagine how difficult it was for our ancestors to live every single day with such an enormous burden even before they were born.

Imagine yourself living in those periods when Apple or Google Docs never existed. Despite the uncomfortable circumstances, their ingenuity made it possible.

The following writing secrets are by-products of relentless dedication and writing experiences.

At the same time, it came from an insight I only understood when I was old enough to comprehend the reasons for becoming a writer.

Honestly, money was not a primary motivation, though it could help me survive physiologically.

Like the “dreamers” and “visionaries” of the past, I sought purpose more often than not for one reason.

It is how the writers in the history of mankind should be.

Conclusion: Are You Worthy To Know The Secret Writing Code?

Now, let me ask you a question.

Did you become a writer for the same reason or not?

Do you think you are worthy enough to know the secret writing code?

It is up to you to agree or disagree with the points I shared here.

If you want to be the first person to uncover the deep secrets only the successful writers know, I invite you to sign-up on my email list and get access to my EXCLUSIVE library.

As soon as you sign-up, you will receive the following:

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I like to end this post with a short reminder. We are writers, and we contributed a lot to keep our species alive even when we are bound for extinction as our ancestors experienced in their lifetime.

The secret writing code is a gift only for those who truly understand their worth as writers. You deserve more than cents, my friend.

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One response

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