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Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a writer? Maybe you have a passion for words, a knack for storytelling, or a vivid imagination.
Or maybe you just enjoy writing as a hobby, a way to express yourself and share your ideas. Whatever your motivation, there are some signs that indicate you might be a writer at heart.
Here are some of them:
21 Positive Signs You’re a Writer:
- 1. You sometimes feel like you’re two steps behind.
- 2. You tend to drift off to fantasy land.
- 3. You are a word hoarder.
- 4. You keep a journal and pen by your bed.
- 5. Every moment when you’re thinking about writing when you’re not writing.
- 6. You take a sick day to stay home and work on your latest project.
- 7. You love adventure.
- 8. You love to read.
- 9. You have a vivid imagination.
- 10. You have a unique voice.
- 11. You are an observer.
- 12. You are curious about the world around you.
- 13. You have an eye for detail.
- 14. You are introspective.
- 15. You are empathetic.
- 16. You are a good listener.
- 17. You are patient with yourself and others.
- 18. You have a strong sense of self-discipline.
- 19. You have a strong sense of purpose.
- 20. You live in constant fear of people reading your writing.
- 21. Job security doesn’t matter as much as writing does.
- Final Thoughts

1. You sometimes feel like you’re two steps behind.
According to Ronnie L. Smith, in her article published on LinkedIn, she says:
“If most of your conversations with other writers end with you feeling like everyone else knows something that you don’t, then take heart in this: YOU, friend, are learning. You are getting out of your comfort zone and putting yourself in situations that will help you grow.”
Feeling like you’re two steps behind as a writer can be a shared experience. If most of your conversations with other writers end with you feeling like everyone else knows something that you don’t, then take heart.
It’s important to remember that writing is a journey, and everyone’s journey is different. So it’s okay to feel like you’re behind sometimes.

2. You tend to drift off to fantasy land.
One of the traits of a great storyteller is the ability to fantasize vividly. Many writers can do this, as Scott Kuttner writes in his article.
He says, “If you get an idea for a story stuck in your head and keep going back to it, even at inopportune moments, it is like a drive in you that forces you to follow through with an idea.”
One of the traits of a great storyteller is the ability to fantasize vividly. Many writers can do this. They tend to drift off to fantasy land and create stories in their heads.

3. You are a word hoarder.
If the sentence makes sense, then you must have it.
Being a word hoarder is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be an excellent trait for writers. If you encounter a word you don’t know or find interesting, it’s essential to write it down to look it up later.
To improve your craft, this tool can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your writing skills.

4. You keep a journal and pen by your bed.
The Write Life reveals that writers keep journals for many reasons. One reason is to capture their thoughts and ideas as they come to them. This can help them remember important details and develop their ideas further.
Another reason is to practice writing regularly. Writing in a journal can help writers improve their writing skills and develop their own unique style.
In addition, keeping a journal can help writers work through difficult emotions and experiences. Writing about these experiences can help writers process their feelings and gain new insights into themselves and their world.
Finally, keeping a journal can be a great way to document your life and experiences. Many writers find that looking back at their old journals can be a great source of inspiration.

5. Every moment when you’re thinking about writing when you’re not writing.
Many writers find that they are constantly thinking about writing, even when they’re not actively writing. It is because writing is often a very personal and emotional process.
As a result, writers may think about their characters, plots, and themes even when they’re doing other things. In addition, many writers find they are most productive when they have a routine.
It means they may spend much time thinking about writing, even when not sitting down. By thinking about their writing this way, writers can develop their ideas further and make the most of their writing time.

6. You take a sick day to stay home and work on your latest project.
Taking a sick day from work to stay home and work on your latest project is not necessarily bad.
However, many writers are most productive when they have uninterrupted writing time. Writers can focus on their writing without distractions by taking a day off from work.
On the flip side, it’s important to remember that taking too much time off from work can have negative consequences. So, balancing your work life and your writing life is important. If you take too much time off from work to write, it may be time to reevaluate your priorities.

7. You love adventure.
Being an adventurer is not necessarily a significant trait of a writer. However, many writers find that adventures can help them develop their writing skills and stories.
Lanre Solarin writes, “You love the thrill of creating pictures with your words. Leaving the present reality for short periods is what seems to keep you ‘alive.’”
By experiencing new things and meeting new people, writers can better understand the world around them and the people who inhabit it. It can help them create more realistic and compelling characters and stories.
Adventures can be important for writers because they can provide inspiration and new experiences. Many writers find their best ideas come when doing something new or exciting.
In addition, writers can expose themselves to new people, places, and ideas by going on an adventure. It can help writers develop their characters and their stories.
Because by experiencing new things, writers can better understand the world around them and the people who inhabit it a bit better.

8. You love to read.
Reading is often a big sign that someone is a writer. Many writers are avid readers and find inspiration in the works of other writers. By reading widely and continually, writers can develop their own unique style and voice.
In addition, reading can help writers improve their writing skills. By studying the works of other writers, writers can learn about different writing techniques and styles. It helps them develop their writing skills and become better writers.

9. You have a vivid imagination.
A vivid imagination is often a sign that someone is a writer because it allows them to create rich, detailed worlds.
Writers with vivid imaginations can imagine different scenarios and situations, which can help them create more realistic and compelling characters and stories.
Having a vivid imagination can help writers develop their writing skills. By imagining different scenarios and situations, writers can learn how to create tension, suspense, and conflict, helping them become better writers and create more engaging stories.

10. You have a unique voice.
A unique voice is often a characteristic of writers because it allows them to stand out from other writers and create something truly their own. A writer’s voice is their unique style of writing that sets them apart from other writers.
In addition, having a unique voice can help writers connect with their readers. By developing a unique voice, writers can create a more personal connection with their readers and make their writing more engaging and memorable.

11. You are an observer.
Being an observer is often a characteristic of being a writer because it allows writers to notice the small details that make up the world around them.
By observing the world around them, writers can better understand human behavior and emotions, which can help them create more realistic and compelling characters and stories.
In addition, being an observer can help writers develop their writing skills. By observing the world around them, writers can learn how to describe people, places, and things in an accurate and engaging way.

12. You are curious about the world around you.
Curiosity is essential for writers who want to create engaging and original stories. In addition, curiosity helps writers explore new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities that enrich their narratives and characters.
Aside from that, it also motivates writers to learn more about their craft, audience, and voice. By being curious, writers can challenge themselves to grow and improve as storytellers and communicators.

13. You have an eye for detail.
To be a good writer, you must have an eye for detail. Why? Because details make your writing more vivid, engaging, and realistic.
Details help you show, not tell, what you want to convey to your readers. It also helps you avoid mistakes, inconsistencies, and clichés that can ruin your credibility and reputation.
Having an eye for detail means paying attention to the words you choose, the sentences you construct, the characters you create, and the world you build.
It means revising and editing your work until it shines. You’re curious and observant about everything around you. A perfectionist but not a procrastinator.
Having an eye for detail is not easy, but it is rewarding. Moreover, it can distinguish between a mediocre writer and a great one.

14. You are introspective.
Being introspective means examining your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. It’s a valuable skill for anyone, but especially for writers.
Why? Because writers must create believable characters, engaging plots, and meaningful themes. They must understand how people think and act and what drives and challenges them—to express their voice and perspective in their writing, which requires knowing themselves well.
Being reflective helps writers to develop their craft and their creativity. It also helps them to grow as individuals and learn from their experiences.

15. You are empathetic.
Being empathetic is a vital characteristic of a writer because it helps you understand your audience and create stories that resonate with them.
Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they feel. It allows you to imagine different perspectives and experiences and write authentically and sensitively.
On top of that, it also helps you connect with your readers emotionally and make them care about your characters and their journeys. Because you can write stories that are not only entertaining but also meaningful and impactful.

16. You are a good listener.
Being a good listener is a valuable life skill and a crucial one for writers. Why is that? Well, listening helps writers understand their audience, purpose, and voice.
By listening to others, writers can learn what topics interest them, their questions, and their opinions. By listening to themselves, writers can discover their passions, insights, and style.
Listening fosters empathy, which is essential for creating engaging and believable characters and stories. A good listener can imagine how others feel, think, and act and use that to craft realistic and relatable scenarios.
It also improves writing skills, such as vocabulary, grammar, and structure. In addition, by paying attention to how others use language, writers can pick up new words, expressions, and techniques they can apply to their work.
Listening also helps writers to avoid errors and inconsistencies that might confuse or annoy readers. In short, listening is a key component of being a good writer because it enables writers to communicate effectively with themselves and their audience.

17. You are patient with yourself and others.
Being patient is an essential characteristic of being a writer because writing is a process that takes time and effort. Therefore, writing can take time and effort because it requires planning, researching, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading.
Writers need to be patient with themselves and their work and not give up when they face challenges or difficulties. They must also be patient with their audience and understand that not everyone will like or appreciate their work.
They should be open to feedback and criticism and use them to improve their skills and craft. A writer should also be patient with the publishing industry and realize that it may take a long time to find an agent, a publisher, or a market for their work.
That means writers should not lose hope or motivation but keep working hard and pursuing their goals.

18. You have a strong sense of self-discipline.
Being a writer takes work, dealing with deadlines, feedback, rejection, and sometimes writer’s block. That’s why having a strong sense of self-discipline is an important characteristic of being a writer.
Self-discipline means that you can motivate yourself to write even when you don’t feel like it or when you have other distractions. It also means you can stick to your goals and plans and follow through with your projects until they finish.
On the other hand, it helps you to improve your craft and grow as a writer. Because without self-discipline, you might give up on your dreams or settle for less than your best.

19. You have a strong sense of purpose.
Being a writer takes work. You must deal with rejection, criticism, deadlines, and sometimes writer’s block. But if you have a strong sense of purpose, you can overcome these challenges and keep writing.
If that doesn’t make sense to you, it means knowing why you write, what you want to say, and who you want to reach. It means you have a clear vision of your goals and audience.
A strong sense of purpose also helps you stay motivated and focused. It gives you a reason to write daily, even when you don’t like it. It enables you to find your voice and your style. It makes your writing more authentic and meaningful.
A strong sense of purpose is vital in writing because it makes you more resilient, creative, and passionate about your craft.

20. You live in constant fear of people reading your writing.
Charlotte Ahlin shares her struggle as a writer on Bustle. She says every writer’s nightmare is having their drafts read and criticized.
“As a writer, you also live in fear of people reading something before it’s finished. Or reading something you wrote five years ago. Or reading that one article you wrote that was posted with a typo in it. Or your ex reading the essay that was not-so-subtly based on them and talks about how they’re a monster. Why must so many people want to read the garbage you write?”
Some people might think that being a writer means being confident and fearless. But an intense fear of rejection is an important characteristic of being a writer. Why?
Because it means you care about your work and your audience. It means you are willing to take risks and challenge yourself. It means you are unsatisfied with mediocrity and always strive to improve.
Though underrated, fear of rejection can be a powerful motivator and a source of inspiration. It can also help you develop resilience and perseverance, essential for any writer. But, of course, fear of rejection can also be paralyzing and discouraging.
That’s why it’s important to balance it with self-compassion and optimism. Don’t let your fear stop you from writing or sharing your work. Instead, use it as fuel to keep writing and growing.

21. Job security doesn’t matter as much as writing does.
Writing is not a real job, and writers should look for something more stable and secure. But writers disagree with that. They don’t see writing as a hobby or a side hustle but as a passion and a calling.
They don’t find sense in searching for a real job other than writing because they love what they do and believe in their work’s value. Writing is not easy. It requires creativity, discipline, skill, and perseverance.
Writers face many challenges and rejections but also experience joy and satisfaction when creating something meaningful and original. They don’t need to conform to the expectations of others or fit into a predefined mold. They have the freedom to express themselves and explore their ideas.
Writing is not just a job for writers. It’s a way of life.
Final Thoughts
To sum up, being a writer is not a matter of talent or luck but of passion and perseverance.
Suppose you have the signs of being a writer, such as having a vivid imagination, being curious about the world, enjoying reading and writing, and having a solid voice. In that case, you are already on the right path.
But you must also work hard to improve your skills, learn from other writers, and share your stories with your audience. Writing is not easy, but it is rewarding and fulfilling.
Here’s a quote—a thought to ponder—I’d like to share with you before you leave.
“Through words—written and verbal—one can either motivate someone to do better or otherwise. The point is you write because you can change someone’s life.”
M. Gaspary
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