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Jeff Goins Taught Me 6 Writing Lessons I’ll Never Forget

Jeff Goins Taught Me 6 Writing Lessons Ill Never Forget. Click here to find out.

It was a moment I will never forget. A moment when I felt acknowledged by someone I looked up to as an aspiring author. 

Table of Contents

When he offered the “Intentional Blogging” course at a special price last year, I enrolled without hesitation, after a series of refusals due to financial reasons. His online courses were costly, so I hadn’t any opportunity to spend that much money on them, although I knew his lessons are too valuable to miss. 

As soon as I got my first credit card, it didn’t take me long to spend it on the course. I convinced my husband to do it for the sake of my pursuit to learn more about writing, although I already had six years of professional working experience under my belt (seven years this year). 

And I was right. Enrolling in the course was the best decision I made for my career. I learned many lessons I could have missed had I chosen to refuse to give in to this need for the nth time. 

tobias tullius cqRhyG4l2PU unsplash min jeff goins uploaded by Mecyll Gaspary on March 13, 2021.

Join me & become a better blogger!

Sign-up for Jeff Goins’s Intentional Blog course and get access to 30+ HD videos that will teach you how to set up a successful blog that will take you to greater heights.

(This is not an affiliate link. So, I won’t earn a dime when you click on the link or enroll in the course.)

(Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash)

What Did Jeff Goins Teach Me About Writing?

  1. “If you feel good about your writing even if you lose subscribers, continue.”
  2. Make your blog a channel to make an impact on someone’s life.
  3. “Make fear your friend. Let him take the passenger seat.”
  4. See writing beyond making money.
  5. Find my tribe through blogging.
  6. Define your desired category, theme, and unique worldview. 

1. “If you feel good about your writing even if you lose subscribers, continue.”

To successfully build up a writer brand, my reputation online, it is vital for me to stay 100% true to myself at all times. No success is valuable and personal to anyone if even a single percent of what I say is a lie. 

2. Make your blog a channel to make an impact on someone’s life.

Little did I know that my pursuit of content writing would open a colossal channel to create an impact on someone’s life. Listening to Jeff Goins made me realize how my website becomes beneficial, as it pushes people to get closer to their dreams. 

I never thought that my desperation to avoid the inevitable yet, painful situations where I have to choose between writing for passion and making ends meet. 

I never thought that my desperation to avoid the inevitable yet, painful situations where I have to choose between writing for passion and making ends meet. 

Mecyll Gaspary, Writer

3. “Make fear your friend. Let him take the passenger seat.”

In his words, Jeff Goins responded to my inquiry during one of his 3-day boot camps, an additional bonus/resource for the “Intentional Blogging” course last July 2020. “Make fear your friend. Let him take the passenger seat,” he said. 

When I heard his answer after raising this question, it gave me a slight punch in my gut. To begin with, it was an inquiry with an obvious answer. 

Make fear your friend. Let him take the passenger seat.

Jeff Goins, Bestselling author of 5 books, including “The Art of Work” and “Real Artists Don’t Starve”

Yet, a little voice inside me wanted to hear those words for validation, especially from a world-renowned, bestselling author. I want him to say those words in his voice.

Being a non-native speaker, writing any piece of content in English has been a challenge for me. More often than not, it has been an extraordinarily tough journey for me for the past seven years. 

All Inclusive Web Content Writing Copywriting Service by M Gaspary Writer jeff goins uploaded by Mecyll Gaspary on March 13, 2021.

Just because English isn’t your mother tongue, it doesn’t mean you can’t write great content.

Sign-up and get access to my members-only library.

You will get FREE access to the ONLY online course tailored for non-native speakers. Once you sign up, you’ll get the rare chance to video lessons, tutorials, and extra resources to help you develop a successful writing career online!

4. See writing beyond making money.

Becoming a writer is a lonely path any person could take. There’s no other industry that pays you good in exchange for your time. Many of us writers only see the bright side of it, without knowing what comes ahead until it comes at the moment, often unexpected. 

As human beings, we are born to socialize and to be in harmony with others. But the writing process itself demands more of your attention, from writing your drafts to publishing pieces of content. 

I was trying to prove to my parents that I can survive financially through writing. Little did I know it would open endless opportunities for me to live a purposeful life.

Mecyll Gaspary, Writer

While I was trying to prove to my parents that I can survive financially by doing what they call “a waste of time,” I failed to see the consequences, such as lack of time to hang out with friends and family. 

It is why Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” describes how it has been for me. I knew that this is a mistake every writer should avoid at all costs. But then again, it is something beyond our control. For instance, most of us write long-form content for 3 to 4 hours, based on my recent survey with fellow writers on LinkedIn.  

Of course, working as a freelance writer could pay our bills faster and sooner. But deep down in my heart, I knew it would not be something I’d like to do over and over again. 

5. Find my tribe through blogging.

When I worked as a freelance writer and a full-time content writer, I wasn’t 100% free, which directly opposes my firm belief in becoming an independent self-publisher. 

I wasn’t free to choose any topic that I like, as it was often the editor’s choice. In most cases, I have to figure out how to appease everyone’s tastes, making sure my content is published and available for everyone online. As a result, a never-ending scenario to please others had often left me with dismay and a big disappointment for myself.

I thought that the digital world would be free than the physical world, where I have lived my entire life under control. Through blogging, I can be myself and write about everything that matters to me in contrast to writing content for the sake of gaining traffic. I can be free to lead my tribe and become a storyteller.

IGN Write to Inspire jeff goins uploaded by Mecyll Gaspary on March 13, 2021.

Join my private community on LinkedIn!

Become a Writer Warrior by joining me with 40+ others who have been learning in-depth lessons about writing.

Click the button below to join.

If you think this is too ambitious, take a look at how Medium writers tell their stories. There is little regard for SEO and highly structured content, but the web traffic remains high as millions of visitors per month.  

6. Define your desired category, theme, and unique worldview.

Defining your desired category, theme, and unique worldview will make it easier to narrow your blog niche. I came across many tips online about the process of narrowing down blog niches, but Jeff Goins simplified it into 3 simple steps. 

  • Desired category
    • You answer the question, “What should I write about?” 
    • Is it about life, mental illness, health, blogging, content marketing, content writing, or freelance writing? 
  • Blog theme
    • It answers the question, “How are you different from the rest?”
    • The process of finding your theme becomes more convenient when you already have an idea of how you can stand out from the rest of the blogs out there with the same niche. 
  • Your worldview
    • You fill in the blanks to make a statement. “Every ____ can/should ____.”
    • Here are some of my thoughts when I constructed my worldview for this blog:
      • Every writer should build a strong, powerful, and authentic online platform and gather loyal fans.
      • Every writer can change someone’s life-changing decision.
      • Every writer can write a book.
      • Every non-native speaker can write in English and earn a higher income and equality in the freelance writing marketplace. 
How to find your blog niche by Jeff Goins Infographic jeff goins uploaded by Mecyll Gaspary on March 13, 2021.

Although we are working on the same niche, every writer has a unique worldview. Just because we write about the same topic, it doesn’t mean we share 100% of the content. 

Our writing process and style of constructing our ideas and arguments will always remain different. It is why starting a blog is essential in building our writer brand and reputation in the digital world. And it’s never too late to begin today. 

Conclusion – How Jeff Goins Gave Me Hope As A Writer

My love for writing as a form of self-expression will never die, and I will never get tired of doing it for the rest of my life. Without writing, I will never know what makes me get up in the morning and live a purposeful life. Had I refused to enroll in Jeff Goins’s “Intentional Blogging” course, I don’t think I could see my path as a writer as crystal clear as I see now. 

I would remain clueless about what I should do to unveil the next chapter of my life, especially for someone like me who barely gets through each day, for someone who wished to die yet was afraid to take her life. For Jeff Goins to call my name at one time in his 3-day boot camp video sessions, hearing his voice in response to my heartfelt inquiry left a mark in my soul. 

Your takeaway!

If you have no background experience, it will be tough to create your writing career, especially nowadays when marketing is like searching for a needle in a haystack. But don’t fret. I’m here to help you. Sign-up and get access to my members-only library full of FREE bonuses! 

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    1. Hi, Normand. Thank you for stopping by and for leaving a comment for this post. Personally, I don’t mind the length of the post as long as the message has been effectively conveyed. That’s all.

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